Spring recipes

Spring in Germany is a vibrant and eagerly awaited season marked by the blossoming of flowers, warmer temperatures, and a renewed sense of life. One distinctive aspect of German springtime is the celebration of Spargelzeit, or asparagus season. As early as April, white asparagus, known as “weißer Spargel,” emerges and becomes a culinary highlight. Germans take great pride in preparing this delicate vegetable, often enjoying it with hollandaise sauce, boiled potatoes, and ham.

Foraging for mushrooms and Bärlauch (wild garlic) is another cherished springtime activity in Germany. Many people venture into the forests to collect fresh mushrooms like morels and chanterelles, which find their way into a variety of traditional recipes. Bärlauch, with its pungent garlic aroma, is a sought-after ingredient during this season. Germans use it in salads, pesto, and soups, infusing their dishes with a unique and earthy flavor.

Springtime in Germany also brings about various celebrations and festivals. Maifest, or May Day, is a widely observed tradition featuring maypole dances, music, and local gatherings. People decorate maypoles with ribbons and flowers, creating a festive atmosphere. Additionally, Easter celebrations are prominent in spring, with colorful egg decorations, Easter egg hunts, and festive meals.

As the weather warms up, outdoor events and festivals become more prevalent. Beer gardens come to life, offering a relaxed atmosphere for people to enjoy traditional German beers and cuisine. Spring fairs, known as “Frühlingsfeste,” are organized in many cities, featuring amusement rides, food stalls, and live entertainment.

Bärlauch, being a seasonal treasure, is used in various recipes during spring. One popular dish is Bärlauchsuppe, a creamy wild garlic soup. Another favorite is Bärlauchpesto, made by blending Bärlauch leaves with pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil. This vibrant green pesto is perfect for pasta, sandwiches, or as a flavorful dip.

In conclusion, spring in Germany is a time of culinary delights, foraging adventures, and lively celebrations. From the exquisite Spargelzeit dishes to the garlicky flavors of Bärlauch-infused recipes, the season brings a unique and cherished experience for both locals and visitors alike.


We’re glad you’ve found us! We are Jeremy & Jessica Nolen, a chef and a pastry chef who are passionate about sharing our recipes from our experiences cooking in German restaurants as well as our travels in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Whether you want to try your hand at sausage making or baking bread or want to experience something new – we have something for everyone. Some of our dishes will be traditional and some will be modern!

We hope you’ll enjoy the recipes. Guten Appetit and Prost! (Good appetite and cheers!)

A husband and wife duo of professional chefs who share their love of German food and culture. Here you’ll find recipes both modern and traditional!

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